Who is Devon?

Really, I'm just another girl in the world. I just so happen to have a little bit of talent in me.

I was born in Philadelphia in 1978. I've been creating things with my hands since I can remember. I was always the kid who was being told to eat their food, not play with it, but mash potatoes are just so playable.

I think I got my creativity from my grandfather Norman Whittingham. He was very good with building things such as a motor cycle with a side car from scratch and a race car.

I didn't really become interested in art or photography until my freshman year of high school. I went to Harriton High School, in Rosemont PA. I had a wonderful art teacher Mr. Murray, he showed me how to really take hold of my talent. Mr. Murray was the first person to introduce me to adobe photo shop and all the magic you can make with it.

My first camera was an SLR Nikon, I don't remember the specs on it but it was good to me. I switched over to digital camera mostly because the cost of printing was getting to be a little to much, I currently shoot with a Canon powershot s3 is, with hopes of getting my first dslr with in the next 2 years. so, wish me luck!     Capturing people doing what they would do naturally seems to work best for me, of course I would love to excel all photography categories, but I mostly prefer to capture people on film.

Aside from the digital and computer work that I do, I also like to get my hands dirty.  I started to do the dolls when I received a doll as a Christmas gift from my friend Candie about 7 years ago.  I *killed*  it that night, and I haven't stopped making them since. I sold quite a few to the artists at Jersey Devil Tattoo and once I realised I had some one to market too, I just kept going with it. I like to make the dolls to fit the personality of who will be *adopting* the doll.  They even come with their own birth certificates.

I also like to draw, mostly with pencils, and colored pencils. Every now and again I will draw something with pen and inks. Being able to draw helps me with my tattoo work. I am still a beginner in the world of tattooing, but I get better every time, as does any artist. Body piercing seems to come naturally to me and I have many repeat customers who say they will only come to me any more.

Other then being an artists I am also a wife to a wonderful man who lets me do anything that I want to do (with in reason of course) and a mother to the most beautiful with a side of evil little girl.  We live a normal life, with a dog and 3 cats. We do the normal family thing, spend time together, go on vacations and such.

My favorite thing to do is to go around and find abandoned America. A lot of can be said about a place by seeing how it was just left behind. Makes for very good times together, and can be very inspiring.  To think of how the place might have been in its hay day.   I never see something that's been left behind for mother nature to take back and think of how messy it may look, I try to see the family sitting around living room playing board games, or the prom pictures taken on the front lawn... Or all the hotel guests checking in or renting a pair of roller skates... All those messy abandoned places were important to someone at some time.

So thats me... Devon.